I was sick on Sunday and found out thru the grapevine that major changes happened on Sunday. I personally would like to give a Huge thank you to all the wonderful women that served in Relief Society Pres. & the Young Women's Pres. Your time, service & dedication was noticed & appreciated! We thank you for all of your hard work!
We also look forward to a new chapter in Relief Society & YW's with all new Presidency. We appreciate your willingness to serve in your new callings. Thank you! We love each of you and support you!
Brenda C.
P.s. Side note, kind of funny- Husband (THe one that looks an awful lot like Mike Coon) comes home and tells me all about the changes. When I asked the names of the new people that were called (especially wondering who the new Pres. is) he said, 'Oh I don't know.' Gotta love a man for olny sharing half of the story! I found out who was called by asking my wonderful sis in law Andrea. I'm glad Andrea is always on the ball & remembers EVERYTHING! =)